Charcuterie Bouquet


A lovely bouquet made with seasonal flowers, featuring a salami rose, our signature pickle rose, a strawberry rose, and a mini brie. This bouquet is the perfect gift to celebrate any occasion with your favorite cheese lover.

5% of all proceeds go towards aiding survivors of violence against women.

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A lovely bouquet made with seasonal flowers, featuring a salami rose, our signature pickle rose, a strawberry rose, and a mini brie. This bouquet is the perfect gift to celebrate any occasion with your favorite cheese lover.

5% of all proceeds go towards aiding survivors of violence against women.

A lovely bouquet made with seasonal flowers, featuring a salami rose, our signature pickle rose, a strawberry rose, and a mini brie. This bouquet is the perfect gift to celebrate any occasion with your favorite cheese lover.

5% of all proceeds go towards aiding survivors of violence against women.